Wednesday, 15 February 2012

What's in a name?

I learnt a while ago, courtesy of a pub quiz f(r)iend, who will know who he is, that people who live in Sydney are called ‘Sydneysiders’. Coming across ‘ Melburnians’  (the name not the people) was boring in comparison but when,  alluding to state not city,  people who were not in fancy dress chose to describe themselves as ‘Victorians’ I was unable to suspend my preconceptions of long frocks and caps coupled with mutton chops and stove pipe hats for long enough not to giggle.

This has led me to enquire about state and city nick names. I have learnt that people in Perth are OK with being called ‘Sandgropers’ – the place is built entirely on sand – and that people from Queensland are not offended by ‘Cane toads’.
A bit off subject, but I have a quiz question of my own:  Is there any other nation which eats its national animals? The Kangaroo and Emu are both national emblems and dishes of choice for Australia.

Come up with another such gourmandising nation and a bottle of Australian red will be yours.
And here, in the small print, I’ll confess that whilst in Ballarat I ate Kanga one night and fed her the next day. Haven’t tried Emu yet.  


  1. Not an animal, but the Welsh eat leeks! It nearly happened in America: George Washington wanted the turkey to be the national emblem. Unfortunately, I don't think any Americans eat eagle.

  2. What about the South African springbok. They definitely eat that!
