Friday, 13 January 2012

Australia's most dangerous

Return to Star Swamp.......where we saw the rainbow bee eater every time we walked in the morning. She (he?) sat high in a tree waiting for us to pass before swooping down right on target into the entrance to the burrow which is all of 3 inches diameter. Precision diving. You can sometimes see the chicks poke their heads out but we didn't......

Bown snake

......that may have been because of the proximity of huge numbers of big brown snakes for whom baby bid would make a nice snack.These buggers kill.  Jan and daughter Kate went walking without me one evening to find one a metre in lenth sunning itself on the track ahead of them. Even though I wasn't there - or perhaps because, the image is haunting me. Snakey didn't move in response to foot stamping and eventually sloped off only when rocks were thrown close to it......

Redback spider must be careful when selecting a rock to chuck at a poisonous snake because beneath your selected weapon might lie an innocuuous looking spider about an inch across with a dull red stripe if you get close enough to see it. Brian called me to look at the one that strolled accross the patio one evening towards my flip-flopped feet - then he stamped on it. Gardening has to be done wearing stout shoes and gloves. Brian reassured me that their garden fences are snake proof. Hmm no more flip flops on the patio.

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